Experiencing the Infamous 'Stinky Seal Ring' Issue for the First Time – Here's My Journey

I put 50 \50 water and vinegar in the IP and pressure cook 15 minutes, q r. That removes most odors or knocks them down to where they'll fade out by themselves after that.
The rings are made out of silicone which is a poutine material. When cooking, it heats up and those pores expand. That allows smells to penetrate it. As it cools the pores contract and trap smells inside. To get the smell out I put it into a 350 degrees oven for about 40 minutes. This allows the pores to expand again and you basically bake the smell out. It has worked for me every time. I also store my kid upside down and eventually the smell goes away but it takes a long time. So that’s not the best option if you use the pot often.
Also sometimes just setting a pot with water to pressure cook for 30 minutes or so could help as well. If you use vinegar water you may get a ring that smells like vinegar with it cools. Everyone has a different level of “smellability”.