Initial Impressions vs. Evolving Taste: My Journey with Jeffrey Eisner's Sausage and Shells

@tess36 I'm Italian but was born with and have horrible reflux! Tomato and peppers make me sick literally it's not worth it. My mom is that way a Tomato sandwich is one of her favorites!
“Of course I added and subtracted ingredients…”
When one does that, one loses the right to review the recipe. Just saying.
I always make Ragu, bolognese and marinara ahead days and let them sit in the fridge.. re heat them gently then make pasta.. much better flavor complexity..
@christopherdombrowski Doesn’t look like it - I also hate over cooked pasta.
I do cook it in the IP but for far less time than the recipes ever state (but I’ve found that for almost everything except say pulled pork where it’s getting shredded)
So good to hear the review, because my daughter works a nights and I’m a night owl. I can make and store - then serve as a new dinner (will all the better flavors 😁😁)
to each his/her own but when I'm trying a new recipe, I always follow it to the letter unless it is truly a minor ingredient (eg a dust of paprika, or a specifically rare ingredient) but its hard to say "why does everyone say its awesome" when you've changed the recipe.
For me, I am trying to make new recipes so I am looking to experience new tastes and make new recipes. In general, a lot of the JE recipes have a ton more ingredients than I normally use as a lead food maker for the family of 6 but I enjoyed the Sausage and Shells recipe a lot.