Making Bánh Chưng with the Instant Pot: A Tribute to Mom This Tết


New member
This time last year my Mom & I were wrapping these traditional Viet rice cakes, bánh chưng, getting ready for lunar new year. Things are so different now, this Tết being the first one without her; she passed away four months ago. It’s not easy to carry on but I know she would want the tradition to so I turned on both her and my IP and cranked out 24 rice cakes today. It took all day but we did it, she and I. I wrapped and she watched over me. I miss you Mom
Wish you were here to try these. They’re almost as good as yours.
Four 5x5x2 cakes go into each 8qt IP at 60min HP, 30min NR.
Each delicious rice cake is wrapped in banana leaves and inside are layers of first glutinous rice, mung bean, marinated pork, mung bean, then glutinous rice on top.





The “firsts” after your Mom passes are always the hardest...Try your best to carry on, but give yourself space to grieve... You have made her so proud..
I'm so very sorry for the loss of your Momma, I too lost my Mom last year, getting through the holidays, all of those special foods was an extremely difficult time for us.
Please accept my condolences on the loss of you beloved mother. I lost my mom last April and moving forward has been hills & valleys. You did a wonderful job keeping the tradition alive. You mom would be very happy.