Steaming Vegetables Gone Wrong: Broccoli, Cauliflower, & Carrots Turned to Mush—What Did I Do Wrong?

@staceybeth I got a newer model but same size (I have noticed quite a difference between a 6 and an 8 in terms of cooking times, amount of liquid etc when I borrow my friend's 8 qt) and it seems like it cooks the same....I really think the size is the biggest game changer
@ajamure for most people the 0 minutes work for broccoli. That said some of the new models don't have a 0 setting. For those you will set it for one minute and turn it off as soon as it reaches pressure. But the poster said she used 0 minutes.
So the next thing to consider is how big were the pieces. If very small they are easy to over cook. If frozen they may have taken longer to come to pressure.
Things you can try, use low pressure experiment a little to find the time that works on low. Wrap in foil or put veggies in a bowl or silicone basket as silicone can slow down cooking. Something to keep in mind for other things that may end up under cooked in silicone.
Or try starting on saute, if the water is hot before going to 0 cooking time the pressure up time is reduced. I hope this helps!
I did cabbage green beans peas and quarter potatoes in 270 ml of water and pressure cook for 3 minutes then left them for a couple of minutes until I plated my mains . Quick Release and drain and they were all really good . I only use fresh veg. Frozen veg just microwave
Roast in oven on 350 like 5 min with garlic pepper and little salt then shred fresh parm and pop back in another 5. Perfection every time and all the nutrients don't boil or wash away! Hubby and kids fav thing and he's never liked veggies growing up lol he eats all kinds of them now!
@evensocomelordjesus you dont add any olive oil to them? Mine have always taken atleasts 20 mins on 350 with olive oil and that isnt even perfect!
All ovens are So different, I am sure every recipe has to be also....
@kindnessc oh yes I definitely do! Totally forgot to say that lol that's very important. I made it a few days ago and I actually did 10 minutes, so it's longer than 5 min lol forgot to take it out once cheese melted and the broccoli was softer than we all like but it still tasted good. You're right about the ovens making a difference. Mine is fairly new still
I find the pressure cooker unnecessary for many vegetables. I can do it stove top, in the air fryer, or in the microwave much faster and to my preferred texture.
I use sauté to boil the water then put the vegetables in and cover with the glass top until they are done to my liking.
I have used the saute button...1.5 cups water (8qt IP)...veg in steamer basket...clear lid for about 5-10 mins.
I do 1 minute, or as soon as it reaches pressure. It depends on what size, bitesize or a bit larger 30 seconds after it reaches pressure. Spears of broccoli, and chunky carrots, maybe 1 min. Potatoes roasted whole, 3-4 minutes. You have to include the time it takes to come to pressure, because it is cooking during that time.