How to Cook Generic Lentils in an IP for a Creamy Texture Instead of Grainy

I took this photo for you in my local shop, not sure if they will be called the same in the USA or not?
Just so you can see what beans your looking for to get the creamy texture, and more cooking will also give that result.
I found that red lentils turn more creamy (turn more mush) where green stay more formed. Love red lentils for lentil soup. Most of the time I get Walmart brand as it's the only option
My go to lentil soup (creamy) is pressure lucks lentil soup and I use red lentils plus add Italian sausage. Soooo good
I soak all my lentils for 20 - 30 minutes. I live in high altitude with a very dry climate. Stove top split pea soup took hours and hours before I got my IP. You can also try to get fresher lentils by going to a store that has a lot of vegetarian shoppers - more turnover, fresher beans. Gritty means they aren't cooked enough.