How to Cook Generic Lentils in an IP for a Creamy Texture Instead of Grainy

Rancho Gordo
The texture, quality and cooking times are related to age, quality and type of legume. Rancho Gordo mail order is consistently the most reliable source and will describe or answer questions you have about best legume to match taste and texture you are looking for!
@ericagrimes15 Since I don't know which ones would not be grainy, I don't know what color to order. The best I can tell, the red ones might be what I want, but I don't want to order them and wind up with more grainy lentils.
@mkher this really is your best bet. Red lentils are only grainy if they are REALLY undercooked…and in that case, you could just throw the pot back on and cook them for longer.
@godsson708 Perfect if you are making daal. But when making soup or stew I prefer French lentils. Recipe says 15 min/HP/QR. I cook 10 min/HP/QR and they come out perfectly shaped yet cooked through.
@godsson708 I recently made two pots of Vegan Sloppy Joes and used brown lentils, these was no mush. I didn't soak them, just put them in the pot and cooked them. Try less cook time and see if that helps.
I am so sorry you are having a hard time with lentils. There is a website I have found to be very helpful in cooking lentils. Pressure cooker lentils green, brown & black. I hope this helps.
@ariadesser I don't. I use a tablet, and so far I haven't figured out how to put a picture in anything but a post, not a reply, so I couldn't put a picture even if I had one. Good thought though.