Making Bánh Chưng with the Instant Pot: A Tribute to Mom This Tết

I found that carrying on my Mom’s traditions after I lost her helped me grieve. Yes it was hard at first but people noticed and it opened up the many conversations of the memories we had with her. 25 years later my Niece still makes a point to bring the strawberry jello salad she always made for family holidays as her dish to pass at family Christmas. Root beer floats will forever be remembered as the treat Grannie always had when they came over to visit. Mom made the best Blueberry muffins. When my sister had surgery recently to remove breast cancer I signed up to bring her dinner and I also took an egg casserole and some of Moms blueberry muffins for her to enjoy the next day for breakfast. Those muffins were a big hit!
I hope you find the same joy coming from your labor of love!
Your tradition is beautiful, although you didn't feel like participating. My mom passed 6 years ago, I often think of her while I cook and bake. It helps me feel closer to her. In fact I made peanut butter cookies today, they are something she often made with my daughters when she was well.
My condolences to you and your family
When my precious Mum died at 100 1/2 years of age, this quote helped me a tiny bit. Thank you for sharing your sweet remembrance. My heart is with you. ♥️
“The day my mother died I wrote in my journal, "A serious misfortune of my life has arrived." I suffered for more than one year after the passing away of my mother. But one night, in the highlands of Vietnam, I was sleeping in the hut in my hermitage. I dreamed of my mother. I saw myself sitting with her, and we were having a wonderful talk. She looked young and beautiful, her hair flowing down. It was so pleasant to sit there and talk to her as if she had never died. When I woke up it was about two in the morning, and I felt very strongly that I had never lost my mother. The impression that my mother was still with me was very clear. I understood then that the idea of having lost my mother was just an idea. It was obvious in that moment that my mother is always alive in me.
I opened the door and went outside. The entire hillside was bathed in moonlight. It was a hill covered with tea plants, and my hut was set behind the temple halfway up. Walking slowly in the moonlight through the rows of tea plants, I noticed my mother was still with me. She was the moonlight caressing me as she had done so often, very tender, very sweet... wonderful! Each time my feet touched the earth I knew my mother was there with me. I knew this body was not mine but a living continuation of my mother and my father and my grandparents and great-grandparents. Of all my ancestors. Those feet that I saw as "my" feet were actually "our" feet. Together my mother and I were leaving footprints in the damp soil.
From that moment on, the idea that I had lost my mother no longer existed. All I had to do was look at the palm of my hand, feel the breeze on my face or the earth under my feet to remember that my mother is always with me, available at any time.
Thích Nhất Hạnh, “No Death, No Fear”
I don’t know you but seeing how painstakingly you have gone about upholding your traditions, I feel certain she would be very proud of you right now. I’m sure you made her proud many many times before. You should be pleased with yourself. Stand tall. Take a deep breath. Relax.