Overcoming Instant Pot Anxiety: Meat Cooking & Safety Concerns

I found we have to cook meat longer than a recipe calls for. It’s usually not a big deal and we figured it out after a couple tries. Like anything new, it has a learning curve. Take it slow and easy. We did the water test. We made hard boiled eggs. We cooked spaghetti. We worked our way up. Now the IP is the only way my picky cook of husband will cook his ribs. This is a guy who rolled his eyes when I bought it and said he’d never be caught dead using it. We have several family favorite recipes!
Do a little research into Instant pot injuries caused my pressure seal failure and see what comes up. If there were people being injured by this thing do you think it would be in the news? Recalled? Massive warnings in the news?
I've never had the meat not done, but if that were to happen, you start it again and cook it longer.
Check with a meat thermometer to reassure yourself.
I was scared trying it, too, but now I really enjoy using it. There are loads of yummy recipes!!
Start with hard boiled eggs, then two chicken breasts, then rice. Take it slow.
Then you'll take off and you'll start sailing!
Go in knowing that the sounds it makes will be a little disconcerting the first couple of times, but it's totally normal. 
1. Use a meat thermometer to test doneness at the end.
2. This ain’t grandma’s stove top pressure cooker. Doesn’t get to that level of pressure and has a million safety features
New electric pressure cookers lock the lid. You can’t open until pressure has been released, quickly or naturally. Not like the older ones our parents or grandparents used! No worries.
Do your water test, it'll safely teach you a lot about your pot. Follow the safety guidelines. Then just keep cooking the more you do the more confident you'll become.
For meat cooking an instant read thermometer is your best friend. Most meat done under pressure following a decent recipe will exceed the needed internal temps.