Why Choose an Instant Pot Dutch Oven Over a Pressure Cooker? Seeking Justification for Adding One to My Kitchen Gadgets

The official instant pot video is actually very helpful. Showing how you can utilize this almost like having a stove top but the ease of a slow cooker.
this does everything your IP can't do.. Ever wish you could cook something in the IP and then just lift the inner pot out and put it into the oven on broil to brown the top? Ever wish you could open the lid and add ingredients as it cooks, without needing to repressurize? How about making grandmas recipes from the 40's, without changing them to work in the IP? It is like having an electric skillet with a slow cooker, and a cast iron pot for the stove and oven.. it cooks from 77 degrees to 400 degrees.. and can be adjusted while cooking, so your family comes home early and needs to eat soon.. turn up the heat and cook it faster.. they call and say, I can't be home for 3 hours.. Not a problem, set it lower.. How about a frozen chicken that is too big to fit into the IP with the lid on? I was making Jeffery Eisner's Chicken and Dumplings and forgot to thaw the 5 lb bird.. I used the Dutch Oven and followed the recipe, making changes for time etc because it is Not a pressure cooker.. and it came out delicious 🙂
It’s a different cooking appliance than a pressure cooker or air fryer, etc. I love it for searing and then braising or whatever. It sears beautifully! I also use it as a slow cooker since the IP isn’t so great for that. I use it for several dishes and the more I use it, the more I want to use it.
I don't have the IP dutch oven, but do have a traditional one. I find they there are certain things that work better in the dutch oven. The dresser and sauté are different and we also use it to fry things like doughnuts, although I have no idea if the IP one is good for that. I'd definitely consider one in the future if we had a need