Foolproof Deviled Egg Recipes: Tips and Special Ingredients to Win Over a Former Egg Skeptic

@leroy001 Yes I had already planned on only making at the most maybe four or five eggs until I know but I'm making them for Christmas and two other people will be over so if they totally gross me out then I will still have people there to eat them lol
Everyone is different with recipes. Some call for mayo and mustard, some miracle whip. Then you can add either seet relish or dill. If you want some crunch add tiny bit of fine diced celery.
If you want a practice run, make egg salad (tates exactly the same) with just a couple eggs. You can play with the recipe to your liking. Kinda like chicken salad.
I perfer mayo, mustard, dill pickles diced fine, a little pickle juice, salt and pepper. Then I squeeze them out into my halved eggs top with a black olive and sprinkle with smoked paprika.
@jarvis75 Yeah I was planning to only maybe do maybe three eggs I figure if I like the mixture that'll be good but I'm more worried about the white part of the egg because to me that's the slimy part and I don't like slimy stuff
I keep at least one white part of the egg to mix with yolks. Taste as you go. I like mine on the thicker side. Salt, pepper, celery salt, sweet and dill relish. Mayo, yellow mustard. I mix in a bowl then add to zip lock baggie and cut the corner. I use a butter knife on the flatter side and keep pushing to the hole. So much easier than using a spoon. Sprinkle with paprika.
I live at sea level and buy local farm eggs, so I use 4-6-whenever to cook my eggs. I cut in half, put the yolks in a zip bag, mash them with my hands, add seasonings, squeeze the bag to mix, then cut off a tip of one corner of the bag and pipe the yolk mix into the whites. Cleanup is just tossing the empty zip bag. There are so many seasonings you can use that you will just have to choose what you like. I like some mayo, mustard, and dill relish (I don't eat onion and don't like raw celery). Some people use sweet relish. I go for easy. We sometimes have deviled eggs for supper. I would suggest putting the bacon bits on top of the egg stuffing rather than in the stuffing where they would get soft.
If you don't have pickle juice my mom used a little bit of white vinegar. Mayo, spicy German mustard, she put something else in but I forgot. I do like relish in mine. Also bacon. Can never go wrong with bacon 🥓
Fry some bacon and then crumble it up and sprinkle on top. Always better than store bought bits. If you like jalapeñ a jar and put a slice on each one.
Also, I'm extra...I always pipe my mixture back into the egg white. Makes them pretty!
@zumaman Penzys spices are fantastic. They have stores all over the Midwest but you can get them online too. Sunny Paris is a salt free herb blend with dried shallots,basil,parsley and lots more that a great in deviled eggs. My family loves them