Instant Pot Troubles: Recipes Taking Longer and Slow Cooking Issues - What Am I Doing Wrong?

I have an Instant Pot pressure cooker. I have only a few things I use it for and whatever I am cooking, I use manual for everything….gumbo, soup, beef roast and gravy, pork roast and gravy, spaghetti, jambalaya, sausage, green beans, potatoes, boiled eggs, steamed shrimp, red beans. That’s about the extent for me. I prefer cooking all above on stove or oven but I use the IP at times.
The slow cooker function is worthless. I also find cooking times need to be longer. I also rarely use any of the function buttons. I have better luck using manual settings. That being said, I love my instant pots I have two and use them all the time. You eventually figure out the cooking time needed. It's a bit of trial and error in the beginning.
The only thing I have added time to is pinto beans. Everything else is on target. Love my IP, especially pastas and hard boiled eggs.ÿ
I only use the pressure function and I am told there is a low medium and high setting, I learned to cook with factory settings so my times are alway more than a recipe, plus I have a picky family so I use recipes as a starting point and go from there. Still have over 100 recipes that I have in rotation.
Slow cooking is garbage. Forget all about it. You need heavy ceramic like a normal slow cooker. Also. Some people are not legit with their recipes. You can google for good IP times for beans and lentils. I do 30 minutes high pressure for beans. I do 12 minutes for raw chicken and 15 for frozen. If someone's goofy recipe says 4 minutes, I just don't do it.
Hard lesson I learned, the cook button also has “keep warm” hit the button twice, so the “keep warm” yellow light is off.
I’ve accidentally kept warm for 1 hour pot roasts a couple of times till I realized that I didn’t hit that button twice.
That should help you.
Also I have done 1 chicken recipe that the chicken was under cooked, so yes you are right about cooking times being off.
I have found I have had to cook things longer, too. I just learned that and moved on and the next time just added the time.
I have both a crock pot and an instant pot and I keep them separate, meaning crock pot recipes stay that way. I admit to lacking confidence with my IP to try to turn standard recipes into IP recipes, but when I've looked specifically for IP or Pressure Cooker recipes the times are accurate and food is correct. Do you have a recipe you can post or link as an example of one where the cooking time seemed inaccurate?
No slow cooker cooks the same as a crockpot. They are not the same animal.
Are you 1000% sure you’re cooking on high pressure and not low pressure?
The recipes on are tested and very good. I usually stick with these recipes. She provides great tips, as well. There’s also a Rootitoot Instant Pot Recipes & Help Facebook page. Hope this helps!
The slow cooker setting is nearly useless. The pressure cooker is why you have an instant pot. Beans from dry in an hour. Pot roast in 45 minutes. Mashed potatoes in 5 minutes.
I don’t use the slow cooker function at all. Every recipe I have found has worked perfect other than I can’t seem to do a good roast or beans. Other than that every recipe I have found is spot on.